Monday, October 25, 2010


In this photograph I have captured a calm day at the park. This photograph was part of my final for my photography class. I like how the main tree in this photograph is not straight, it gives character to the tree. However, I do not like how part of another tree is showing in the top right corner of the photograph.

I took this photograph in the morning so I would not have to worry about the harsh sun. Thus, the aperture speed was at F 6.3 and the exposure speed was at 1/200. This allowed the perfect amount of light into the lens. The focus is very strong in this photograph because everything is in focus, which adds depth.

I took this photograph because of all the different trees. I really liked the angle of main tree and how it was not perfect what so ever. Also I like all the shadows in the grass created by the trees. However, if I could improve this photograph, again I would not have the tree showing in the top right corner and since the sun is just coming up it is creating the left side to be brighter.