Sunday, October 24, 2010

Alex Parker

In this photograph I have captured my friend Alex Parker. I took this photograph because I wanted to capture his personality by his earrings. I really the angle of his face that I captured in this photograph. However, I do not like how you can barely see his left eye, it would look better if both were showing.

I took this photograph under a building outside; thus, i had to make sure my settings on my camera were set right. I set the aperture at F 5.6 and the exposure speed at 1/180. This allowed the perfect amount of sun into the lens. The focus is really strong in this photograph because he is completely in focus.

I also Photoshoped his earring to glow, because it was the main subject. Also I like how the sun is adding a glow to his cheek. decided to blog about this photograph because today a year ago he died in a horrible car accident. This photograph of him describes his personality and I will always have this of him since I will no longer be able to see him.