Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Alyssa Fajayan

In this photograph is my best friend Alyssa Fajayan. Since she is my best friend I ask her if I can photograph her all the time. What I like about this picture is how well the light is hitting her; not too bright and not too dark. However, what I do not like about this picture is how her hair is not standing out enough from the background.

Since I took this photograph at my house, I set up my own background and made sure she was standing in front of a window. Thus, the sun added natural light so my camera settings did not need much fixing. I set my aperture on F 4.2 and my exposure speed at 1/25. This allowed the perfect amount of light and as you can see she looks natural.

The focus is really strong in this picture. Alyssa is completely in focus which makes the eye only see her. I took this photograph because for my senior project I learned how to take portrait shots; since my photography class had not taught how. I had a mentor and completely thirty-five hours of learning how to capture a portrait shot. Thus, this photograph was one of my final pictures for my project. After I took these pictures of her my friends all wanted me to take their pictures.