Sunday, October 10, 2010


I took this photograph of my Great Grandma on Thanksgiving of last year. What I really like about this photograph of her is how her face is slightly lit up with light. I also like how the picture is simple but captures how beautiful she is. What I don't like about this photograph is how the chair that she is siting on is showing.

I took this photograph at my house and in order to do that I had to set up a backdrop and I placed the chair in front of a big window in my house to allow natural light in. I set my aperture on F 5 and the exposure speed at 1/200. These setting allowed only so much of light to come into the lens plus having the window open added the perfect combination of light. The focus on this picture is really well; she is completely in focus.

I took this photograph because I wanted to participate in my school's reflections contest. The topic was "Beauty is.." therefore, I took this photograph of my Great Grandma because she was 89 years old and she still has her natural beauty. This photograph means a lot to my family because two weeks later she passed away. However, this picture took first place in the reflections contest, it was then sent to state where I also received first place and then it was sent to nationals where it received 3rd place.